Multi-Model Fitting I: Ensemble Fitting

Ensemble fitting may be helpful in cases where the representative sample is large and/or model parameter or fitting uncertainty should be considered.

Ensemble fitting may:

  • Use one or more samples,
  • Use one or more models (Pipeline instances), and/or
  • Use one or more generations of fitting, with model selection logic on each generation

It is helpful to first read the section Data Sources for a Pipeline showing how to use either a single X matrix or a series of samples from a sampler callable.

Define a Sampler

The example below uses a sampler function and args_list (list of unpackable args to sampler) to fit to many samples. The full script can be found here. First the script does some imports and sets up a sampler function that uses band_specs (see also ElmStore) to select a subset of bands in HDF4 files.

import os
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA
import numpy as np
from elm.config.dask_settings import client_context
from elm.model_selection.kmeans import kmeans_model_averaging, kmeans_aic
from elm.pipeline import steps, Pipeline
from earthio import *
from earthio.filters.band_selection import select_from_file
from earthio.metadata_selection import example_meta_is_day


band_specs = list(map(lambda x: LayerSpec(**x),
        [{'search_key': 'long_name', 'search_value': "Band 1 ", 'name': 'band_1'},
         {'search_key': 'long_name', 'search_value': "Band 2 ", 'name': 'band_2'},
         {'search_key': 'long_name', 'search_value': "Band 3 ", 'name': 'band_3'},
         {'search_key': 'long_name', 'search_value': "Band 4 ", 'name': 'band_4'},
         {'search_key': 'long_name', 'search_value': "Band 5 ", 'name': 'band_5'},
         {'search_key': 'long_name', 'search_value': "Band 6 ", 'name': 'band_6'},
         {'search_key': 'long_name', 'search_value': "Band 7 ", 'name': 'band_7'}]))
# Just get daytime files
HDF4_FILES = [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(ELM_EXAMPLE_DATA_PATH, 'hdf4', '*hdf'))
              if example_meta_is_day(load_hdf4_meta(f))]
data_source = {
    'sampler': select_from_file,
    'band_specs': band_specs,
    'args_list': HDF4_FILES,

Define Pipeline Steps

Next a Pipeline is configured that flattens the separate band rasters to a single 2-D DataArray (See also transform-flatten, uses standard scaling from scikit-learn, then transforms with IncrementalPCA with 2 partial_fit batches before K-Means. The Pipeline constructor also takes a scoring callable and optional scoring_kwargs.

pipeline_steps = [steps.Flatten(),
                  ('scaler', steps.StandardScaler()),
                  ('pca', steps.Transform(IncrementalPCA(n_components=4), partial_fit_batches=2)),
                  ('kmeans', MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=4, compute_labels=True)),]
pipe = Pipeline(pipeline_steps, scoring=kmeans_aic, scoring_kwargs=dict(score_weights=[-1]))

See the signature for kmeans_aic here to write a similar scoring function, otherwise scoring defaults to calling the estimator’s .score callable or exception if .score is not defined.

Configure Ensemble

Now we can call fit_ensemble after choosing some controls on the size of the ensemble, the number of generations, and the logic for selecting models after each generation.

Here’s an example:

ensemble_kwargs = {
    'model_selection': kmeans_model_averaging,
    'model_selection_kwargs': {
        'drop_n': 2,
        'evolve_n': 2,
    'init_ensemble_size': 4,
    'ngen': 3,
    'partial_fit_batches': 2,
    'saved_ensemble_size': 4,
    'models_share_sample': True,

In the example above:

  • ngen sets the number of generations to 3
  • There are 4 initial ensemble members (init_ensemble_size),
  • After each generation kmeans_model_averaging (See API docs) is called on the ensemble with model_selection_kwargs are passed.
  • There are 3 partial_fit batches for MiniBatchKMeans on every Pipeline instance (partial_fit within the IncrementalPCA was configured in the initialization of steps.Transform above)
  • models_share_sample is set to True so in each generation every ensemble member is fit to the same sample, then on the next generation, every model is fit to the next sample determined by sampler and args_list in this case. If models_share_sample were False, then in each generation every ensemble member would be copied and fit to every sample, repeating the process on each generation.

Fitting with Dask-Distributed

In the snippets above, we have a data_source dict with sampler,``band_specs`` and args_list key / values. We can pass this with the ensemble_kwargs ensemble configuration to fit_ensemble as well as predict_many . The data source for predict_many does not necessarily have to be the same one given to fit_ensemble or fit_ea).

Note : If you want dask-distributed as a client, first make sure you are running a dask-scheduler and dask-worker . Read more here on dask-distributed and follow instructions in environment variables .

with client_context() as client:
    ensemble_kwargs['client'] = client
    pipe.fit_ensemble(**data_source, **ensemble_kwargs)
    pred = pipe.predict_many(client=client, **data_source)

Fitting with dask parallelizes over the ensemble members (Pipeline instances) and over the calls to partial_fit - currently transformers in the Pipeline are not parallelized with dask .

Controlling Ensemble Initialization

To initialize the ensemble with Pipeline instances that do not all share the same parameters (as above), we could replace init_ensemble_size above with ensemble_init_func

n_clusters_choices = tuple(range(4, 9))
def ensemble_init_func(pipe, **kwargs):
    models = []
    for c in n_clusters_choices:
        new_pipe = pipe.new_with_params(kmeans__n_clusters=c)
    return models
ensemble_kwargs = {
    'model_selection': kmeans_model_averaging,
    'model_selection_kwargs': {
        'drop_n': 2,
        'evolve_n': 2,
    'ensemble_init_func': ensemble_init_func,
    'ngen': 3,
    'partial_fit_batches': 2,
    'saved_ensemble_size': 4,
    'models_share_sample': True,
with client_context() as client:
    ensemble_kwargs['client'] = client
    pipe.fit_ensemble(**data_source, **ensemble_kwargs)
    pred = pipe.predict_many(client=client, **data_source)

In the example above, Pipeline.new_with_params(kmeans__n_clusters) uses the scikit-learn syntax for parameter modifications of named steps in a pipeline. In the initialization of Pipeline in the example above, the MiniBatchMeans step was named kmeans, so kmeans__n_clusters=c sets the n_clusters parameter to the K-Means step and the ensemble in this case consists of one Pipeline for each of n_clusters choices in (4, 5, 6, 7, 8).