About Ensemble Learning Models

Ensemble Learning Models (elm ) is a set of tools for parallel ensemble unsupervised and supervised machine learning, with a focus on data structures useful in climate science and satellite imagery.

elm Capabilities

These capabilities are best shown in the

elm wraps together the following Python packages:

  • dask-distributed: elm uses dask-distributed for parallelism over ensemble fitting and prediction
  • scikit-learn : elm can use unsupervised and supervised models, preprocessors, scoring functions, and postprocessors from scikit-learn or any estimator that follows the scikit-learn initialize / fit / predict estimator interface.
  • xarray : elm wraps xarray data structures for n-dimensional arrays, such as 3-dimensional weather cubes, and for collections of 2-D rasters, such as a LANDSAT sample

elm is a Work in Progress

elm is immature and largely for experimental use.

The developers do not promise backwards compatibility with future versions.