Release Procedure

  • Ensure all tests pass.
  • Tag commit and push to github
git tag -a x.x.x -m 'Version x.x.x'
git push upstream master --tags
  • Build conda packages

Define platform/setup specific environment variables (fill in with your specifics)

# Location of your conda install. For me it's `~/anaconda/`

# Platform code. For me it's `osx-64`

# Version number of elm being released (e.g. 0.2.0)
# requires conda-build (conda install conda-build)
conda build conda.recipe/ --python 3.5 --no-anaconda-upload -c conda-forge

Next, cd into the folder where the builds end up.

cd $CONDA_DIR/conda-bld/$PLATFORM

Use conda convert to convert over the missing platforms (skipping the one for the platform you’re currently on):

conda convert --platform osx-64 elm-$VERSION*.tar.bz2 -o ../
conda convert --platform linux-64 elm-$VERSION*.tar.bz2 -o ../
conda convert --platform linux-32 elm-$VERSION*.tar.bz2 -o ../
conda convert --platform win-64 elm-$VERSION*.tar.bz2 -o ../
conda convert --platform win-32 elm-$VERSION*.tar.bz2 -o ../

Use anaconda upload to upload the build to the elm channel. This requires you to be setup on, and have the proper credentials to push to the elm channel.

# requires anaconda-client (conda install anaconda-client)
anaconda login
anaconda upload $CONDA_DIR/conda-bld/*/elm-$VERSION*.tar.bz2 -u elm
  • Repeat conda build and anaconda upload steps above for --python 3.4 as well
  • Write the release notes:
  1. Run git log to get a listing of all the changes
  2. Remove any covered in the previous release
  3. Summarize the rest to focus on user-visible changes and major new features
  4. Paste the notes into github, under n releases, then Tags, then Edit release notes.